You may recognize Becca’s name and voice from speaking with her about the PBNC Voucher program. Often, during PBNC trainings with school nurses, when staff mention Becca as their voucher resource, we get
feedback such as “she’s so helpful, she’s been patient with me, she responds so quickly!” Just last week a nurse in Cabarrus County exclaimed, “Oh, I love working with her!” She is a committed and compassionate long time member of team, and this month we highlight a little more about Becca. You will see from her responses below just what a wonderful asset she is to the agency.
Tell me how you first became involved in with PBNC.
After my youngest child started school, I was ready to find a job outside the home. I interviewed with Marcia in 2011 and started Pre-K screening in Johnston County.
What is your role at PBNC?
Program Assistant and Voucher Coordinator for adults and children.
What was your first impression of PBNC?
I was impressed with how long each employee has worked for PBNC. I knew it was a great place to work. Everyone is friendly and family-oriented.
What do you wish other people knew about PBNC?
The importance of early vision screening. My middle and youngest child were screened by PBNC with no referrals. My oldest child was never screened by PBNC since the preschool vision screening program was not active in Johnston County at that time. During her sophomore year of high school, she was given an acuity screening for her driving permit and failed terribly. The instructor called me A.S.A.P and I took her to the eye doctor. She ended up needing a heavy prescription. When she got her new glasses, the words she spoke broke my heart – all of the details she saw that she hadn’t seen before. She was slowly losing her vision no one could tell, even her.
After the screenings are conducted, what happens when potential vision issues are found and patients are unable to afford follow-up care?
After the patient is referred, if they are low income and have no insurance we give them an application for financial assistance through Prevent Blindness NC voucher programs. If they qualify, they receive an exam and glasses through the Prevent Blindness partnership with VSP (Vision Service Plan). If they just need help getting glasses, we have the OneSight Program in partnership with LensCrafters, Target Optical and Pearle Vision. If they are in the 250% federal poverty range, we have the Donor Docs program. For this program, doctors from across North Carolina generously donate exams and glasses which PBNC then assigns to qualified applicants in need of services. PBNC also has information on other resources for people in need of care beyond vision exams and glasses.
What is your first memory of working with PBNC?
Of course the State Fair, where Prevent Blindness NC provides free retinal and acuity screenings for the general public.
A retinal screening was done on a 19 year old and screening results indicated cancer. Because he was able to get treatment early and quickly, which not only saved his eye but his vision. He called PBNC after his surgery and treatments. I will never forget talking to him. Such a young kid who would have never imagined he would have to go through this. He will always be very thankful to PBNC for early detection.
All of this happened because he and his friends stopped by the booth at the State Fair and decided to take advantage of the free retinal screenings provided by PBNC.
When you last conducted a training or screening, how did that make you feel?
I will never forget my last Pre-K screening. There was a little boy who was so excited he couldn’t calm down. The teacher told me we probably wouldn’t be able to screen him. When he was waiting in line to be screened I said, “I bet you will be the most well behaved and fastest kid to get screened.” He was well-behaved for the screening. The teacher could not believe it. Sometimes encouragement goes a long way! I loved working with kids and miss that part of my job.
What do you wish other people knew about PBNC?
How important early screenings are for children and adults. Early detection is key for preventing vision loss.
What might someone be surprised to know about you?
I love animals! I have an almost 9 year old pig and 3 rescued dogs.
What would you say are some of your strongest beliefs about PBNC?
Prevent Blindness NC is truly a village. It takes preschool and adult program screeners, school nurses trained in best practice screening procedures by PBNC’s vision screening trainers, Community Health Clinic staff and directors, eye care professionals who donate not only eye exams and glasses but their time to read retinal images, and PBNC office and field staff who all work in unison toward the mission of Prevent Blindness North Carolina.
What would you tell someone who is thinking about donating, volunteering, and/or becoming a trained vision screener?
You could not donate, volunteer, or work for a better cause than Prevent Blindness NC. Eye sight is so precious and few realize that until they are having problems.