PBNC Key Programs

Preschool Children’s Vision Screening Program

The Prevent Blindness North Carolina Preschool Vision Screening Program utilizes state-of-the-art, photo-refractive technology to detect potential vision problems for over 33,000 NC preschoolers each year.  Endorsed by NC Department of Health and Human Services, the PBNC Preschool Vision Screening Program identifies vision problems at an early age, when diagnosis and treatment are most effective. PBNC partners with childcare centers and preschool programs such as Head Start, NC PreK and Title 1 PreK to meet federal and state vision screening requirements and ensure healthy vision for their children.  Screenings are provided on-site and at no cost to the centers or parents. Children found to have potential vision problems are referred to an eye doctor for a complete eye exam.  All eligible referred children in financial need are provided access to applications for free exams and/or glasses through PBNC’s Vision Resource Program.

Vision problems that are not found and treated early can interfere with a child’s ability to develop properly.  Children can fall behind in school, show behavior problems in the classroom, lag behind other children in school and reaching developmental milestones, and even have permanent vision loss.  PBNC preschool vision screenings detect problems often before either a parent or child notices any symptoms. The main purpose of the PBNC preschool vision screenings is to find problems that can lead to amblyopia which is the leading cause of vision loss in children.  Also known as lazy eye, amblyopia is reduced vision in an eye that has not received adequate use during early childhood.  The condition can lead to permanent vision loss in the affected eye if not detected and treated at an early age. The screenings can detect the following amblyopic risk factors: Myopia (nearsightedness), Hyperopia (farsightedness), Strabismus (eye misalignment), Astigmatism (blurred vision) and Anisometropia (unequal refractive power).

If your preschool is interested in participating in the vision screening program, please contact the PBNC office at 919.755.5044 x 105 or complete the form below: