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PBNC Key Programs

School-Aged Children's Vision Screening Training & Certification Program

The PBNC Children’s Vision Screening Training & Certification program ensures NC schools and pediatric primary care providers are able to conduct vision screening according to current national guidelines using age-appropriate evidence-based vision screening tools and procedures. The program provides workshops across all 100 NC counties to certify screeners in the fundamentals of vision screening techniques, referral, and follow-up.  Participants will receive a manual, vision screening charts, and sample referral materials. Persons passing performance criteria and a written test receive a certificate which qualifies them to perform vision screening for a period of 2 years.

Screening procedures included in the training are developed and approved by national groups and professional organizations, including the:

  • Expert Advisory Committee of the National Center for Children’s Vision and Eye Health at Prevent Blindness.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics.
  • American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus.
  • American Academy of Ophthalmology.
  • American Association of Certified Orthoptists.

Endorsed by NC Department of Health and Human Services, PBNC’s Children’s Vision Screening Certification program aims to ensure that school-age vision screenings are conducted in a consistent and uniform manner using evidence based and age-appropriate screening tools.  Without training and certification, children and students participate in vision screening with different tools and procedures depending on where they live or which schools or primary care provider offices they attend. This leads to potential under-referrals and inconsistencies that can drive inequalities in children’s vision, eye care, and eye health across the state.

To schedule a training session, please click one of the links below based on your area of expertise:

Online Vision Screening Training for School Staff and Volunteers

To be eligible for training and certification, individuals must have approval from a school nurse or administrator to provide vision screening as part of the school system’s screening program.

Online Vision Screening Training for Pediatric Primary Care