Fact Sheets

Free Eye Health and Safety Fact Sheets to Print and Share

Prevent Blindness eye and vision/eye health and safety fact sheets are a popular choice for providing free, printable, up-to-date information at health fairs, schools, hospitals, community centers, pediatric offices or even in your own home. The following fact sheets are available in Adobe Acrobat pdf format and are optimized for easy download and printing.

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¿Cómo se diagnostica y trata la RDP?fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions espanol retinopathy-of-prematurity childrens-vision
¿Qué necesito saber sobre la RDP de mi hijo y su salud visual de por vida?eye-diseases-conditions espanol retinopathy-of-prematurity childrens-vision fact-sheets
10 Ways to Prevent Occupational Eye Injuriesdocuments fact-sheets eye-safety
18 hitos del desarrollo de la visión desde el nacimiento hasta el primer cumpleaños del bebéespanol childrens-vision fact-sheets
18 hitos del desarrollo de la visión desde el nacimiento hasta el primer cumpleaños del bebéespanol childrens-vision fact-sheets
18 Vision Development Milestones from Birth to Baby’s First Birthdaychildrens-vision fact-sheets
18 Vision Development Milestones From Birth to Baby’s First Birthday (fillable checklist)childrens-vision fact-sheets
2025-2030 Strategic Planprevent-blindness fact-sheets
A Guide to Vision Health for Your Newborn, Infant, and Toddlerdocuments fact-sheets childrens-vision
A Guide to Vision Health for Your Newborn, Infant, and Toddler (Chinese)documents fact-sheets childrens-vision other-languages
Acanthamoeba Keratitis and Contact Lensesfact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions
Adult Vision Risk Assessmentdocuments eye-and-vision-health fact-sheets
AMD (Age-Related Macular Degeneration)documents fact-sheets age-related-macular-degeneration eye-diseases-conditions
ASPECT Programresources-and-support documents fact-sheets
Atrofia Geográfica (GA)documents fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions age-related-macular-degeneration espanol
Beneficios de Medicare para la Salud Oftalmológicaespanol getting-eye-care fact-sheets eye-and-vision-health
Blue Light and Your Eyeseye-and-vision-health documents fact-sheets
Buscar a un optometrista para su hijo o para usted mismodocuments fact-sheets espanol childrens-vision
Car Battery Safety Factsdocuments fact-sheets
Car Battery Safety Quizdocuments fact-sheets eye-safety
Cataract Facts & Mythsdocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions cataract-eye-diseases-conditions
Causas de la uveítisuveitis documents fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions espanol
Children’s Vision Digital Screen Tipschildrens-vision documents fact-sheets
Children’s Sports Eye Safetydocuments fact-sheets childrens-vision position-statements
Color Blindnesseye-diseases-conditions documents fact-sheets
Common Eye Mythsdocuments fact-sheets eye-and-vision-health
Cómo Ponerse Gotas Para Los Ojosdocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions espanol glaucoma-eye-diseases-conditions
Cómo programar un Examen ocularespanol childrens-vision fact-sheets
Comprender el ojo secofact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions espanol documents
Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)documents fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions
Consejos Para Ayudar a Su Hijo a Usar Anteojos Recetadosfact-sheets espanol childrens-vision
Consejos para elegir juguetes segurosdocuments fact-sheets espanol childrens-vision
Consejos sobre pantallas Digitales para la visión de niñosdocuments fact-sheets espanol childrens-vision
Contact Lens Use in Industrydocuments fact-sheets eye-safety
Contact Lenses and the Risk for Infectionsdocuments fact-sheets eye-and-vision-health
Cosmetic and Decorative Contact Lenseye-and-vision-health position-statements documents fact-sheets
Degeneración Macular Asociada con la Edad (DMAE)documents fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions age-related-macular-degeneration espanol
Dele a su hijo la mejor visión posiblefact-sheets espanol childrens-vision
Dele a su hijo la mejor visión posibleespanol childrens-vision fact-sheets
Diabetes and Your Eyesfact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions diabetes documents
Diabetes: Salud visual en la juventudespanol diabetes childrens-vision documents fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions
Diabetic Eye Disease and Mental Healthdiabetes documents fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions
Diabetic Macular Edema (DME)documents fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions diabetes
Diabetic Retinopathy – Diagnosis, Treatment, and Preventiondocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions diabetes
Diabetic Retinopathy – Symptoms and Risksdocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions diabetes
Dry Age-related Macular Degenerationdocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions age-related-macular-degeneration
Dry Eyefact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions documents
Eclipse Solar y Sus Ojosdocuments fact-sheets espanol eye-safety
El Examen de la vista es la clave para el desarrollo saludable!documents fact-sheets espanol childrens-vision
El Glaucoma -17 Puntos Enumeradoseye-diseases-conditions espanol glaucoma-eye-diseases-conditions documents fact-sheets
Enfermedad de Stargardtchildrens-vision eye-diseases-conditions espanol stargardt-disease fact-sheets
Enfermedad Ocular Tiroideadocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions espanol
Enfermedades hereditarias de la retinadocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions espanol
Enfermedades oculares y salud mental relacionadas con la diabetesdocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions espanol diabetes
Eye Donation Factsdocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions
Eye Safety for Disastersdocuments fact-sheets eye-safety
Eye Safety Tips for Your Homedocuments fact-sheets eye-safety childrens-vision
Facts About Fireworks Injurieseye-safety documents fact-sheets
Facts About Toy Injurieseye-safety childrens-vision documents fact-sheets
Finding an Eye Care Professionaldocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions eye-and-vision-health getting-eye-care
Finding an Eye Doctor for Your Childchildrens-vision getting-eye-care documents fact-sheets eye-and-vision-health
Fireworkseye-safety childrens-vision position-statements documents fact-sheets
Fireworks Eye Injury Safety Quizdocuments fact-sheets eye-safety childrens-vision
First Aid for Eye Emergencieseye-safety childrens-vision documents fact-sheets
Five Steps to Prevent Vision Loss from Diabetesdiabetes eye-diseases-conditions fact-sheets
Floatersdocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions
Geographic Atrophy (GA)documents fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions age-related-macular-degeneration
Give Your Child the Best Vision Possiblefact-sheets childrens-vision
Give Your Child the Best Vision Possiblefact-sheets childrens-vision
Glaucomaglaucoma-eye-diseases-conditions eye-diseases-conditions fact-sheets
Glaucoma Checklistdocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions glaucoma-eye-diseases-conditions
Glaucoma Eye Q Testdocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions glaucoma-eye-diseases-conditions
Glaucoma Financial Assistance Informationfact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions glaucoma-eye-diseases-conditions getting-eye-care resources-and-support documents eye-and-vision-health
Guide to Cataract Surgerydocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions cataract-eye-diseases-conditions
Halloween Safetydocuments fact-sheets eye-safety childrens-vision
Hechos y Mitos Sobre las Cataratasdocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions espanol cataract-eye-diseases-conditions
HIV/AIDS and the Eyedocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions
How to Schedule an Eye Examchildrens-vision fact-sheets
How to Take Eye Dropsdocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions glaucoma-eye-diseases-conditions eye-and-vision-health
How to Take Eye Drops – Dry Eyefact-sheets eye-and-vision-health
Impact Protection and Polycarbonate Lensesdocuments fact-sheets eye-safety
Información de Asistencia Financieradocuments fact-sheets espanol eye-and-vision-health
Información de Asistencia Financiera para el Glaucomafact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions espanol glaucoma-eye-diseases-conditions documents
Inherited Retinal Diseases (IRD)documents fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions
Insuring Your Eye Healthdocuments fact-sheets eye-and-vision-health getting-eye-care
Juvenile Diabetes and Visiondocuments fact-sheets diabetes childrens-vision eye-diseases-conditions
Keratitisdocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions
Keratoconusfact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions documents
La Diabetes e Sus Ojosdocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions espanol diabetes
La Ley de Asistencia Asequible y los ojos de su hijodocuments fact-sheets espanol childrens-vision
Living Well With Low Visiondocuments fact-sheets resources-and-support
Living with Stargardt Diseasedocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions stargardt-disease resources-and-support
Macular Telangiectasia (MacTel)eye-diseases-conditions fact-sheets
Major Eye Injuriesdocuments fact-sheets eye-safety
Medicare Benefits and Your Eyeseye-and-vision-health getting-eye-care documents fact-sheets
Medicare Open Enrollment Questions for the Eye Care Patienteye-and-vision-health getting-eye-care fact-sheets
Myopia (Chinese, annotated)documents fact-sheets childrens-vision other-languages
Myopia (Chinese)other-languages documents fact-sheets childrens-vision
Myopia Questions and Answerschildrens-vision documents fact-sheets
National Center for Children’s Vision and Eye Health 2023-2024 Annual Reportprevent-blindness fact-sheets
Nutritional Supplements and Visionfact-sheets eye-and-vision-health documents
Paintballeye-safety childrens-vision position-statements documents fact-sheets
Planning a Trip to the Eye Doctordocuments fact-sheets childrens-vision eye-and-vision-health getting-eye-care
Pregnancy and Your Visiondocuments fact-sheets eye-and-vision-health
Prevent Blindness Annual Eye Health and Safety Observance Calendardocuments fact-sheets resources-and-support
Prevent Blindness Children’s Vision Screening Certification Coursedocuments fact-sheets childrens-vision
Prevent Blindness Form 990prevent-blindness fact-sheets
Prueba del Glaucomadocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions espanol glaucoma-eye-diseases-conditions
Queratitisdocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions espanol
Recommended Eye Protection for Sportsfact-sheets eye-safety documents
Refractive Error and Visual Acuitydocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions
Respuestas a 8 Preguntas de los Padres Sobre la Miopíadocuments fact-sheets espanol childrens-vision
Respuestas a 8 Preguntas de los Padres Sobre la Miopía (versión anotada)documents fact-sheets espanol childrens-vision
Retinal Tears and Detachmentsdocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions
Retinopathy of Prematurity: How is ROP Diagnosed and Treated?documents fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions retinopathy-of-prematurity childrens-vision
Retinopathy of Prematurity: How is ROP Diagnosed and Treated? – Quick Facts for Parentsretinopathy-of-prematurity eye-diseases-conditions fact-sheets
Retinopathy of Prematurity: ROP and your child’s lifelong vision healtheye-diseases-conditions retinopathy-of-prematurity childrens-vision documents fact-sheets
Retinopathy of Prematurity: ROP and your child’s lifelong vision health – Quick Facts for Parentsretinopathy-of-prematurity eye-diseases-conditions fact-sheets
Retinopathy of Prematurity: What is ROP?documents fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions retinopathy-of-prematurity
Retinopathy of Prematurity: What is ROP? – Quick Facts for Parentsretinopathy-of-prematurity eye-diseases-conditions fact-sheets
Retinopatía del prematuro (RDP)espanol retinopathy-of-prematurity childrens-vision fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions
Retinopatía relacionada con la diabetes – síntomas y riesgofact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions espanol diabetes documents
Retinopatía relacionada con la diabetes – Diagnóstico, Tratamiento, y Prevencióndiabetes documents fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions espanol
Safe Use of Eye Cosmeticseye-and-vision-health documents fact-sheets
School-Aged Vision Screening and Eye Health Programsdocuments fact-sheets childrens-vision position-statements
Selecting Sunglasses for Childrenchildrens-vision documents fact-sheets
Siga leyendo para conocer los 5 pasos para prevenir la pérdida de la visión debido a la diabetesespanol diabetes fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions
Signos de problemas de visión posibles en niñoschildrens-vision fact-sheets
Signs of Possible Vision Problems in Childrenfact-sheets childrens-vision
Smoking and Visiondocuments fact-sheets eye-and-vision-health
Solar Eclipse and Your Eyesdocuments fact-sheets eye-safety
Sports-Related Eye Injurieschildrens-vision documents fact-sheets eye-safety
Sports-related eye injuries by age groupdocuments fact-sheets eye-safety
Stargardt Diseasedocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions stargardt-disease
Sunglassesdocuments fact-sheets eye-and-vision-health
Symptomatic Vitreomacular Adhesion (Symptomatic VMA)documents fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions
The Affordable Care Act and Your Child’s Eyesdocuments fact-sheets childrens-vision getting-eye-care eye-and-vision-health
The ASPECT Program at a Glancefact-sheets public-health-and-advocacy
The Glaucoma Communitydocuments fact-sheets glaucoma-eye-diseases-conditions resources-and-support eye-diseases-conditions
The Scope of the Eye Injury Problemdocuments fact-sheets eye-safety
The Sight Saving Peopledocuments fact-sheets prevent-blindness
Thyroid Eye Disease (TED)documents fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions
Tips for Buying Sports Eye Protectorseye-safety childrens-vision documents fact-sheets
Tips for Choosing Safe Toysdocuments fact-sheets eye-safety childrens-vision
Tips for Living with AMDeye-diseases-conditions age-related-macular-degeneration documents fact-sheets
Tips for Living with Low Visioneye-and-vision-health documents fact-sheets
Tips to Help Your Child Wear Prescription Eyeglassesfact-sheets childrens-vision
Treating Glaucoma with Medicationeye-diseases-conditions glaucoma-eye-diseases-conditions fact-sheets
Ultraviolet Awareness Quizdocuments fact-sheets eye-and-vision-health
Una guía para la salud de La visión para su recién Nacido, infante, y niñitochildrens-vision documents fact-sheets espanol
Uveítisdocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions espanol uveitis
Uveítis (corto)documents fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions espanol uveitis
Uveitis Causesuveitis documents fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions
Uveitis Patient Guidedocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions uveitis
Visión Adulta: Evaluación de Riesgosfact-sheets espanol eye-and-vision-health documents
Visión Adulta: Evaluación de Riesgosfact-sheets espanol eye-and-vision-health
Vision and Eye Health Surveillance System (VEHSS)fact-sheets public-health-and-advocacy
Vision Care Financial Assistance Informationdocuments fact-sheets eye-and-vision-health getting-eye-care
Vision Screening is Key to Healthy Development (8.5 x 11)childrens-vision documents fact-sheets
Vision Screening is Key to Healthy Development (8.5 x 17)documents fact-sheets childrens-vision
Vision Screening is Key to Healthy Development (Chinese)documents fact-sheets childrens-vision other-languages
Vision Screenings and Eye Exams: Complementary Elements of Eye Careeye-and-vision-health getting-eye-care position-statements documents fact-sheets childrens-vision
Vivir con la enfermedad de Stargardteye-diseases-conditions espanol stargardt-disease childrens-vision fact-sheets
Workplace Safety Quizeye-safety documents fact-sheets
Zika Virus and Your Eyesdocuments fact-sheets eye-diseases-conditions