
Meet Luke: A Preschool Vision Screening Success Story

Fortunately for Luke, age 5, Prevent Blindness NC visited his child care center to offer free vision screenings. When he failed the screening, PBNC recommended that he be examined by an eye doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Luke’s doctor did discover a significant vision impairment in his right eye and prescribed glasses and patching to help reverse the vision loss that had already occurred. “Thank you SO MUCH for alerting us to the fact that Luke had one eye vastly different from his other eye!!!  It’s because of your screening that we have glasses and patches at work to save him from a lazy eye.  The doctor told us if we hadn’t come in, his condition would have been irreversible in a few years,” shared his mother. Luke’s mom also shared that they had no idea he was having difficulty seeing and only took him to the eye doctor based on our recommendation. Vision loss from lazy eye, or amblyopia, may become irreversible if not detected and treated at an early age. Therefore, the PBNC vision screening truly helped saved Luke’s sight, and we are grateful to have funding to provide this vital preventative service for young children across NC.